The learning materials of the school is in cognizance with the Ghana Education Service New Educational Reform. That is; Kindergarten, Primary and JHS which has been changed to Basic 1 to 9. Therefore, the system being run is more of Research, Projects, and Community services with fewer content. In addition to that, computer literacy is the major focus and adequate IT facilities have been provided for the students/leaners. Also, Science at the Basic level comprises Physical and Applied Science which involves more of demonstrative features. It is sectioned into the following strands:
Diversity of matter cycles System Forces and Energy Human and Environment.
Finally, leaners/students are been prepared to take the National Standard Assessment Test (NSAT) which will be conducted for Basic 2, 4, 6 and Basic 8 at a specific timetable provided by the Ghana Education Service (GES).
Learning Support Program

Hoffnung Academy recognizes the need to enable, empower and allow all students to grow and develop to their full potential in all aspects of their school life. The school offers a dynamic, inclusive, and progressive whole school support structure for all students whereby they have numerous opportunities to experience success – whatever the extent of their academic, emotional, and developmental needs. Learning Support is an intervention programme that aims to provide students with the opportunity to develop the necessary academic and social skills to ensure a positive school experience. Students on the Programme are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning; they must know their strengths and weaknesses and work towards accomplishing success. This programme is run by a well-experienced school educational psychologist and counsellor. In addition, our teachers provide intervention classes that are either teacher-led or student-led. The teaching timetable is continuously revised to accommodate this need during normal academic hours of the day.
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