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Junior High School


In our JHS, which is now Basic 7, 8 and 9, students are taught in smaller class sizes – a maximum of 25 students in each class. The program run at this level comprises of the following subjects; English Literacy, Mathematics, Integrated Science, Social Studies, Religious and Moral Education, Basic Design and Technology, Computing, Career Technology, Ghanaian language, and French. At Basic 8, learners are prepared to take the National Assessment Test (NSAT). After which they will again sit at Basic 9 for Placement Examination into Basic 10 which the Senior High School (SHS).

The Student Support Services offers support and guidance to students through access to the school counselor, which ensures that students fulfill their potentials. This support program tracks students’ progress throughout their school years and in the final year, i.e., Basic 9, each student along with their parents, attend a meeting with the counselor to discuss the best pathway for program options/School selections at the various Senior High Schools in the Country

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